Wednesday, June 13, 2012


by Lynnie Gobeille

Somewhere out there
I know she is still wearing a big hat
Sipping a mint julep
Leaning back
Settling into a soft comfy wicker chair.

Reminiscing of those days long gone
When clocks and time stood still
I hear her voice as she shouts:
     “and they’re off”

I watch as she leans forward;
this motion
and her chemo-baldness
causing her hat to slip…

I see her freeze framed
in this moment of pure jubilation….
The air heavy, seeped in hibiscus red
My mother’s voice echoing within my head.

Lynnie Gobeille is one of the co-founders of  The Origami Poems Project, a world wide “free poetry event” based in Rhode Island. She has published in The Sow's Ear Review, Crone’s Nest, The Avatar, The Prairie Home Companion, This I Believe (NPR), The New Verse News, The Providence Journal (Poetic License) and The Naugatuck River Review.  Her  micro-chapbooks have been published by The Origami Poems Project.