Monday, June 10, 2013


by The Bangkok Bards
Saknarin Chinayote & Charles Frederickson

WHAT can one person do
To improve Status Quo Vadis
Somehow making genuinely significant impact
Without looking back rewinding past

Enabling others we must first
Transform ourselves shed scaly glisten
Grown out of shrunken snakeskin
Non-venomous version of old self

Life recoiling from fire we
Just do it almost fearlessly
Heir-conditioned that flames singe flesh
Walking barefoot across smoldering coals

Destiny choice not chance reliant
Taking control of own Fate
Moment-to-moment daring to take risks
Ignoring distorted anti-clockwise time warp

Solo voice attuned to nature
Protecting endangered species eco-environment safeguards
Counterpoint harmonically interdependent rhythm contour
Unfinished symphony awaiting upbeat coda

WHY Just because we care
About out beloved offspring’s future
Ensuring hopeful legacy left behind
On borrowed interest loans un-repaid

No Holds Bard Dr. Charles Frederickson and Mr. Saknarin Chinayote proudly present YouTube mini-movies @ YouTube – CharlesThai1 .