Wednesday, December 25, 2013


Poem by Charles Frederickson
Graphic by Saknarin Chinayote 

Yo-ho-ho-hoping Yule N-joy
Sheepish Fleece Navidad ho-ho-hokum humbug
Hot & Spicy zesty seasoned 1% greedings
Volunteering help to (s)ain’t nickeless needy

Human jelly beings suffering tinsilitis
Jingle bellyache noggin migraine bon-bon
Noel nutty crunchy cheery cherry fruitcakes
Nutcracker God Jul sweet Swede crumbs

I scream for eyes crème-dela-crème
Popsicles fudgesicles creamsicles dreamsicles multiversity
Unisex frosted ginger-bred tinkering boy-toys
Sno-man is a dessert island

Web-addicted Generation-Xmas XS Yes Icon
Computer wonderland wreck the malls
Oh .com all ye faithful
Freeze a jolly good Facebook fella

Santamental Journey X-rated Xmas fave pet
Santa-paws point-setter yellow snow frost bite
Dependent clauses vertically challenged low elf-esteem
Gnome sweet gnome workshop

Sleigh traded for Holly Davidson
Modem icicle built for 8
Comet Cupid Donner Blitzen Vixen
Dasher Dancer Prancer naughty Rudeolph

Gluelicke Wienachen Germs speaking North Polish
Ooh-la-la-de-dah dandruff flakes o-o-o tan N-bomb
Uncaged turtle doves eco-friendly green peace
Happy ever laughter miles of smiles

No Holds Bard Dr. Charles Frederickson and Mr. Saknarin Chinayote proudly present YouTube mini-movies @ YouTube – CharlesThai1 .