Sunday, September 21, 2014


by Charles Frederickson

Dysfunctional planet implosive uncivil warmongers
Warped minds bent on self-destruction
Obsessive-compulsive hateful fears carefully taught
Lessons learned today tomorrow’s legacies

Wild nature everything we’re struggling
To tame greedy excess abuses
Gaining reverence for natural world
Existence all forms of life

Eco-systems being destroyed used up
Lacerating soiled Earth begging mercy
Gouging riches stripping life-preserver dermis
Poisoning pure air water foodstuff

Outliving your life making difference
Create own legacy caring for
Others indelibly etched into brainwaves
Carved onto hearts not tombstones

Joyous cherished moments shared memories
Doing something positively original inspiring
Next generation’s unique extraordinary perspectives
Unimaginable next interconnected digital level

Cultivating tolerant multiversity conservation no
Longer luxury option survival imperative
Running out of natural resources
Now running out of time

No Holds Bard Dr. Charles Frederickson  proudly presents YouTube mini-movies @ YouTube – CharlesThai1 .