Saturday, September 19, 2015


by Chris OCarroll

OWENSBORO, Ky. (AP) — A Kentucky county clerk may have again defied a federal judge's order regarding gay-marriage licenses by altering license forms to remove her name, an attorney who represents one of the clerk's employees told the judge Friday. --AP, September 18, 2015

Taxpayers pay me 80 grand a year,
And I serve all of them – unless they’re queer.
Damn all the courts that trifle with my rights
When I say no to rights for sodomites.
Unfurl the Stars & Bars!  Secede again!
No weddings for two women or two men!
My God, pro-slavery back in the day,
Now says you’re less than equal if you’re gay.
I am a champion of liberty,
But not for sinful homos, just for me
And true believers like Mike Huckabee,
Who share my righteous animosity
Against Americans who don’t agree
This nation should be a theocracy
Where the elect dress up our bigotry
In vestments of divine authority.
I flout the law because my God is great,
So great that He hates everyone I hate.

Chris OCarroll is the featured poet in the current issue of Light.  He is anthologized in the recently published Poems for a Liminal Age and in The Great American Wise Ass Poetry Anthology, due out in early 2016.