Sunday, March 04, 2018


by Denton Loving

Devin Nunes, hallowed be your name.
Hallowed be your midnight runs,
your dark-of-night dashes. Your fake news
echoes from Pennsylvania Avenue
and Capitol Hill across Merika
(“I love the uneducated!”)
as it does in Mar-A-Lago.
Give us your DOJ subpoenas,
your stooge notes,
your assistants’ typo-ridden memos.
No need for redactions.
Forgive us our conclusions
as we forgive our colluders and those
who conspire against us.
Lead us not to Truth
or let us know Integrity.
Deliver us from honest language like
vulnerable, entitlement, diversity, transgender, fetus,
evidence-based and science-based.
For the kingdom of party hacks,
the power of military parades,
and the glory of Russian bot farms
are yours now and forever
in the annals of American history. Amen

Denton Loving is the author of the poetry collection Crimes Against Birds (Main Street Rag, 2015) and editor of Seeking Its Own Level, an anthology of writings about water (MotesBooks, 2014).  His writing has appeared in River Styx, CutBank, The Kenyon Review and The Chattahoochee Review. Follow him on twitter @DentonLoving.