Sunday, July 29, 2018


by Anton Yakovlev

On Facebook, cats have been deemphasized.
We only see them from our closest friends.
You think they swarm you, but you’d be surprised:
on Facebook, cats have been deemphasized.
The bots climb trends. Cambridge has analyzed
our timelines dry. Here come the flaming hands.
Where are the cats? They’ve been deemphasized.
O, let me see them. Let them be my friends.

Anton Yakovlev is from New Jersey. His latest poetry collection is Ordinary Impalers (Kelsay Books, 2017). His poems have appeared in The New Yorker, The Hopkins Review, Amarillo Bay, Prelude, Measure, and elsewhere. The Last Poet of the Village, a book of translations of poetry by Sergei Esenin, is forthcoming from Sensitive Skin Books.