Sunday, November 11, 2018


by Alan Catlin

T***p appears disengaged,
outside of the spotlight, except
when greeting Putin and his thumbs
up salute.  Forced to listen to solemn
solo by cellist Yo Yo Ma, the day after
failing to lay a wreath on graves of
the fallen due to inclement weather,
he seems  preoccupied. Compelled to
listen to President Macron deliver
a speech decrying Nationalism, directly
criticizing him, T***p appears tired
as if formulating new ways to become
unchecked and balanced as autocrat-
in-chief, electoral defeats, and late night
television viewing, is wearing him down. 
Protestors raise new trial balloons of baby-
in-diapers-T***p to see if anyone salutes.

Alan Catlin is poetry editor of online journal His latest book of poetry is American Odyssey from Future Cycle Press.