Saturday, December 01, 2018


by David Feela

isn’t ours
but what if
as our InSight

touched down, 
shaking pink dust 
off its gadgets

a robot camera
whirred and clicked
to photograph 

the horrified face
of a dodo—
the same bird 

we never suspected
could survive 
an interplanetary

migratory escape  
from a feckless 
flightless human race.

David Feela writes a monthly column for The Four Corners Free Press and for The Durango Telegraph. A poetry chapbook, Thought Experiments, won the Southwest Poet Series. The Home Atlas appeared in 2009. A Collection of his essays, How Delicate These Archeswas a finalist for the Colorado Book Award. Unsolicited Press will release his new chapbook, Little Acres, in April 2019.