Sunday, May 10, 2020


by Mike LaForge

You know the military, our great military, greatest military in the world,
has weapons that could, I mean, they have, what, machine guns
that fire an incredible number of rounds per second, per SECOND,
very powerful, and I think those weapons could really do a number
on a virus. Maybe there’s a way, I don’t know. What have you got
to lose if they’ve tried everything else? Just shoot the patient
in the lungs with a machine gun. Cuz it’s the lungs that you have to
get. That’s where the virus goes, am I right?  I’m not a doctor,
but many people tell me that I have a tremendous understanding
of this stuff. It’s incredible when you think about it.

Mike LaForge lives near Vancouver, BC, Canada, teaches English to non-native speakers, and has been writing poetry as a hobby for most his life.