Tuesday, December 01, 2020


by Michael L. Ruffin

In a 5-4 ruling, the US Supreme Court sided with religious organizations in a dispute over Covid-19 restrictions put in place by New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo limiting the number of people attending religious services. —CNN, November 26, 2020

Let us congratulate
the people of faith
who successfully
used the secular courts
and the secular Constitution
to secure their right
not to do what their
faith should compel
them to do willingly, 
voluntarily, and gladly: 
care about people.

Michael L. Ruffin is a writer, editor, preacher, and teacher living and working in Georgia. He posts poems on Instagram (@michaell.ruffin) and prose opinions at On the Jericho Road. He is author of Fifty-Seven: A Memoir of Death and Life and of the forthcoming Praying with Matthew. His poetry has appeared at The New Verse NewsRat's Ass Review3 Moon Magazine, and U-Rights Magazine.