Monday, December 14, 2020


 by Gil Hoy

The sweetest word
I've ever heard

Rhymes with:

Scene, Queen
and Tangerine

Rebellious Teen
and Jimmy Dean.

Lean, Mean
and so Obscene

Gulping down 
some more Caffeine.

Gene, Spleen
and Submarine

Very few 
and far Between.

Keen, Glean
and coffee Bean

Riding in
a Limousine.

The sweetest word
I've ever heard?


Gil Hoy is a Boston poet who studied poetry at Boston University through its Evergreen program. Hoy's poetry has previously appeared in Rat’s Ass Review, Tipton Poetry Journal, Ariel Chart, Right Hand Pointing, Indian Periodical, Rusty Truck, Mobius: The Journal of Social Change,  The Penmen Review, Misfit Magazine, Chiron Review, and elsewhere. He is a regular contributor to The New Verse News. Hoy previously received a B.A. in Philosophy and Political Science from Boston University, an M.A. in Government from Georgetown University, and a J.D. from the University of Virginia School of Law. He served as a Brookline, Massachusetts Selectman for 12 years and is a semi-retired trial lawyer.