Wednesday, January 20, 2021


 by Paul Smith


Today I saw a guy on TV
about my age
a little older, white-haired
who put his hand on a Bible
and took an oath
to uphold democracy
build national trust & unity
etc., etc.
it was a nice speech
he also said something about us
being able to take whatever fate throws at us
I liked this part
it didn’t sound like
it was written by a speechwriter
and it made me think of what
fate has thrown at us
more at you than me
so, although you are not here today
you might smile a bit
that people like you
you know
skin the color of a lunch bag
who came from far away
who became citizens of this land
supposedly made for you and me
but also a land visited by a terrible plague
that took you away from me
maybe, after smiling that sly tropical smile
you’ll worry less about us
and enjoy whatever was prepared for you
by the One you’re with
on that other faraway shore
with the One we say
sheds His grace on us

Paul Smith is a civil engineer who has worked in the construction racket for many years. He has traveled all over the place and met lots of people. Some have enriched his life. Others made him wish he or they were all dead. He likes writing poetry and fiction. He also likes Newcastle Brown Ale. If you see him, buy him one. His poetry and fiction have been published in Convergence, Packingtown Review, Literary Orphans, TheNewVerse.News, and other lit mags.