Tuesday, June 15, 2021


by Nathan Porceng

U.S. Roman Catholic bishops are due this week to discuss whether politicians, including President Joe Biden, should receive Communion while supporting abortion and LGBTQ rights, a debate that has divided the clergy and laid bare internal cultural rifts. —Reuters, June 15, 2021

and his air smells funny
and his art looks funny
and his wine tastes funny
but you try not to offend him,
for you’re dining in his house.

You exchange pleasantries.
You catch up a bit.
You ask about Gabe,
and Michael
and all the other boys
from yard days past
and he tells you they’re
even made a bit of money,
though they don’t come
around as often as they should,
and you try not to offend him,
for you’re dining in his house.

And it’s Eastertime,
or Christmastime,
or all another holy time.
He asks if it’s been a rough year?
“You don’t look so well.”
“You used to be so giving.”
You swill your wine.
You swallow.
“Yes, it has been a rough year,”
you spit,
but you try not to offend him
for you’re dining in his house.

He tells you
he likes you 
better in person.

You tell him
you like him 
better by mail.

He nods.

He appreciates your candor.

He makes a little joke.
He tells you he has it on the BEST of authorities
that this is FINALLY the year
that your team
(Panthers, Pirates, Penguins... )
will win it all.

In years past,
you’d fake a smile,
and try not to offend him,
but you can’t even manage

He plays you a song.

He ushers you out.

You leave his house,
feeling emptier for it.

Nathan Porceng is a Washington-based poet, songwriter, and submariner. As part of the band Bridge Out, he won first place at the 2014 Northeastern Songwriter Festival in Brookfield, CT. He firmly believes Joe Strummer gave us all the tools we need to save the world.