Monday, November 22, 2021


by Earl J Wilcox   

Photo by Peter Forister, November 19, 2021 at 04:00, Charlottesville, VA, USA at EarthSky

My plus one last night, Alexa,
awakens me right on time.
I am up—groggy, sour-mouthed,
muttering, mumbling musing,
old guy grumbling despite
a magnificent moonshine worship
moment waiting above my balcony.
Alexa plays some familiar Mozart,
as agreed on at my bed time. Out-
side I shiver, huddle in a small chair,
I’m overcome with a sublime scene:
in the fog of near-freezing November
and my dense macular mist, a small,
bright Beaver moon hides half its face
behind a dark somewhat ominous shadow.
A distant shrill of sirens, ubiquitous
revving motorcycles break my
somnolent stupor. Even with a cold
arse my heart pounds with warmth and joy.
Unique as this moon light masquerade
provides, earth is the place for me.
It is not music of the spheres I hum
—just some earth-made melodies
by Mozart, our universal plus one
making a little night music.

Earl Wilcox has been humming and howling at The New Verse News for many years.