Thursday, May 26, 2022


by Joan Leotta

The wounded offer healing
Each morning I look to Ukraine,
Through the eyes of an email correspondent.
She and I mourn over cities laid waste,
adults and children wounded, dead
strewn on streets, live ones sheltering in cellars.
The email reaches out to me for support
to help them act on the prayers.
Daily I respond,
I send my hope and prayers
and concrete aid as I can.
Today, in the daily email,
along with news of wasted cities,
wounded children,
they sent their prayers to America
hoping we can put our own, offering prayer.
I pray we can turn our and their
prayers into action to stop the killings here.

Joan Leotta is an author and Story Performer who feels we need to do more than simply shed tears and points to the efficacy of the Assault Weapons Ban in lessening of such horrific incidents as one concrete thing we have once done and should do again.