Monday, June 06, 2022


by Carol Alena Aronoff

for adoption. Not oil, not

Is birth control next 
to be sacrificed on the altar 
of false piety–our bodies 
offered up to the state?

Anger–too small a word to 
contain my feelings of  betrayal, 
despair at the sufferings, deaths
to come, at memories triggered: 

Of being told to steal a diaphragm off 
the doctor’s desk because he couldn’t 
prescribe contraceptives in sixties’
Boston even to a married woman. 

Of being molested by a Harley Street 
physician as I lay on the table awaiting 
an abortion, of being told he was doing 
sex research as I must be a loose woman.

After years of struggle, lost and damaged 
lives, are we once again commodities 
to be exploited, trees forced to bear fruit, 
to be plucked and plundered, driven 
underground to early and unmarked graves?

Carol Alena Aronoff, Ph.D. is a psychologist, teacher and poet. Her work has appeared in numerous journals and anthologies and won several prizes. She was twice nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Carol has published 4 chapbooks (Cornsilk, Tapestry of Secrets, Going Nowhere in the Time of Corona, A Time to Listen) and 6 full-length poetry collections: The Nature of Music, Cornsilk, Her Soup Made the Moon Weep, Blessings From an Unseen World, Dreaming Earth’s Body (with artist Betsie Miller-Kusz) as well as The Gift of Not Finding: Poems for Meditation. Currently, she resides in rural Hawaii.