Monday, July 11, 2022


by Miceala Morano

From an experimental alphabet by Max Morin combining real paintings with digital manipulation. In collaboration with Jim Lepage.

We learn, but we never do. 
A as in apple, B as in ball, C as in cat,
D as in the desks we shield soft bodies with. 
Rewind, repeat. A as in active shooter situations.
B as in blood, scarlet staining the halls. 
Rewind, repeat. A as in America, is this 
what you meant by red, white and-
B as in blue lips, C as in CPR. 
I am shielding their bodies in the grocery store, 
in the classroom, in my nightmares each night. 
It is still not enough to protect them. 
C as in clear backpacks. D as in 
don’t make a sound. E as in ending, 
as in breath interrupted. Rewind, repeat
repeat, repeat. A as in active shooter,
F as in freedom, delegated to weapons 
and never to women. We throw our alphabet
at the bullets, B for books, C for chairs, D for desks, 
the classroom deconstructed into a war zone, 
our breaths deconstructed into silence. 
A as in America, never learning. B as in bullets, 
falling like rain.

Miceala Morano is a writer from the Ozarks whose work is published or forthcoming in Berkeley Fiction Review, Eunoia Review, Kissing Dynamite, The Shore, Gone Lawn, and more. Find her on Twitter @micealamorano .