Wednesday, August 03, 2022


by Peter Witt

If earth was my father, he’d sit me down
for the talk, about how the birds and bees
are under threat, how humankind has polluted
its nest, and how our actions may doom us
to the inevitably of a rage of forest fires,
hurricanes, tornadoes and other
devastating weather events.
If earth was my mother, she’d send me
to my room, cut off my social media
for a month, make me eat green vegetables
and fresh fruit instead of junk food
that comes in non-degradable packaging.
If earth was my mentor, he’d tutor me in ways
to live a life that respects the planet, take on
advocacy roles that can reverse the holocaust
of degradation that human greed has wrought.
If earth was my lover, she’d touch me in ways
that reach deep in my being, hold me close,
look into my eyes and beg me to love
her forever for the sake of every rock, ocean,
mountain, turtle, rabbit, snake, and ladybug.

Peter Witt is a Texas poet, a frequent contributor to The New Verse News and other online poetry web-based publications.