Wednesday, May 31, 2023


by David Chorlton

A scream circumnavigates the world.

Is anybody listening


when the police arrive to sweep away

those for whom the last resort

is blocking traffic


to impress upon their fellow citizens

the planet is on life support

and the drivers only have a mile to go


before the ground opens up

and swallows them.


Does anybody care?


Call it Freedom; say Democracy

until it hurts; write to the highest authority

and the mail comes back 

as undeliverable.  

The future’s not the future


anymore. And yet it is still beautiful

when a day begins with a mountain

spreading its wings


and the sun breaking into song.

David Chorlton lives in Phoenix where he writes and occasionally paints watercolors. While his writing is usually poetry, his newest book is a true life account of a murder story from 1960s Vienna (where he lived for several years) in which one of his cousins was wrongly convicted: The Long White Glove published by New Meridian Arts.

Editor’s Note: Listen to David talk about his new book on the Word podcast (about 10 minutes in) from WJZZ.