Wednesday, June 07, 2023


by Samantha Pious

ChatGPT, I’m running out of time—

at 5 PM submissions will be due.

I need an adverb to fill out the line

and so, reluctantly, I turn to you.


ChatGPT, this stanza doesn’t rhyme.

I need your help! What ends in -angeroo?

Hmm. Nothing else? I’m really in a bind—

maybe you could write this next one too?


ChatGPT, there’s so much on my mind

and writing’s hard. So give me just a few

new poems for this manuscript of mine.

If somebody—lol, who?—decides to sue,


I’ll say it’s a conceptual design.

Brilliant, eh? Five books, and twenty-two

thousand copies sold on Nook and Prime!

Life is good. There’s so much left to do.


ChatGPT, I’m running out of time.

Samantha Pious is a poet, translator, editor, and medievalist with a PhD in Comparative Literature from the University of Pennsylvania. Her translations of Renée Vivien are available as A Crown of Violets (Headmistress Press, 2017); her translation of Christine de Pizan's One Hundred Ballades of a Lover and His Lady is forthcoming.