Thursday, October 26, 2023


by Sister Lou Ella Hickman


for those who were killed in lewiston, maine 

                                                            by a man with an AR style gun 


Just months before this week’s mass shooting in Lewiston, Maine’s Legislature considered three major bills to tighten gun restrictions: one to require criminal background checks for gun purchases, another to create a 72-hour waiting period before someone could take possession of a gun after purchasing it and a third to outlaw modifications that make semiautomatic weapons more deadly. All three bills were defeated in the Maine Senate by sizable margins. Maine, a largely blue state where Democrats control both chambers of the State Legislature and the governorship, has a long history of resisting gun control measures. —The New York Times, October 26, 2023

we begin this celebration 

in the name of

my right  my right  my right  



             our response to today’s reading 

of the second amendment  

page 6 in your hymnal 

                        hail to thee, oh AR-15 

we will sing all 25 verses 

after which we will recite 

our litany of thanksgiving  


now   let us rise and say together 


for no background checks 

we are thankful 


for our mutual support 

so needed in our holy culture of guns 

against those who deny our rights

we are thankful            


for being called to be a member 

to this sacred society

we are thankful 


for being able to sleep at night 

we are thankful 


for all those who sell AR-15s 

for this we are truly thankful 


for $$$$ 

we are very thankful 


please join me after this service 

for coffee   donuts 

and a short meeting 

concerning future recruitment plans  


now let us say amen to the final blessing  

 as we go to serve AR-15 


Sister Lou Ella has a master’s in theology from St. Mary’s University in San Antonio and is a former teacher and librarian. She is a certified spiritual director as well as a poet and writer. Her poems have appeared in numerous magazines such as America, US Catholic, Commonweal, The Christian Century, Presence, Prism, and several anthologies. She was a Pushcart nominee in 2017 and 2020. Five poems from her book, she: robed and words, set to music by James Lee III were performed on May 11, 2021. The soloist was the opera singer Susanna Phillips, principal clarinetist Anthony McGill of the New York Philharmonic and Grammy® nominated pianist Mayra Huang. The arrangement was part of a concert held at Y92 in New York City. The group of songs is entitled “Chavah’s Daughters Speak.” Another concert was held in Cleveland, Ohio on March 28, 2023. The soloist was Elena Perroni.