Saturday, February 17, 2024


by David Rudd-Mitchell

AI-generated graphic for The New Verse News by Shutterstock

DisArmchair Linguists

While body counts are unconfirmed,
They view how breaking news is termed.

DisArmchair Activists

The blood is fresh,
And there’s no pause
Before the next post 
for their cause. 

DisArmchair Optimists

They hope that soon the war will cease,
And this will lead to lasting peace.

DisArmchair Hypocrites

They hate the hypocrites who stride,
To only see the other side,

Armchair Apologists

Water cut off, city bombed,
They say, “It’s how they must respond.”

Armchair Fascists

Cut all the power, cut off the phones,
Stop all the schooling, crush all the homes.
Close off the border, block every route,
Stop all the bombing, then start to shoot.

DisArmchair NeoNihilists

Watching from a safe retreat,
These optimists admit defeat.

DisArmchair Poet

A poem of protest,
angry tweets,
And yet our history
Still repeats. 

Reformed DisArmchair Poet

Words are precious,
In their way,
But it’s time to join the march
—and pray.

David Rudd-Mitchell is an occasional poet who has had work published in zines, magazines, two shared chapbooks and anthologies.