Friday, February 02, 2024


by Richard L. Matta

Illustration by Gustave Doré (1832-1883)

third climate opinion—
the surgeon says
why did you wait so long

winnowing wheat
a merchant trades
for a farmer’s daughter

bulldozed forest…
a herd of cars running
at the burger joint

oil and gas
a lobbyist drills 
for a politician 

water rations
a city meeting 
boils over

flame throwers—
a spirit departs 
from a scorched tree 

one more war crime
the drone creates 
a poisonous cloud

a disposal contractor
doubles his profit
leaking drums wetland

mineral reserves
one more leader leaves
a pit in Africa

Richard L. Matta grew up in New York and now lives in San Diego. Some of his work is found in Ancient Paths, Dewdrop, San Pedro River Review, Third Wednesday, Gyroscope, and many international haiku journals.