Thursday, January 16, 2025


by Kenneth Arthur

AI-generated graphic by NightCafĂ© for The New Verse News.

When we paid the entrance fee
the sign promised “a glimpse
into the stable genius of our future”
but when the tour guide
led us into a room
dreary, dark and a little damp,
brushed away giant cobwebs,
expounded upon the macabre exhibit,
Kitty For Dinner in water colors,
I had my doubts.
When we were issued
rubber gloves
knee-high boots
led deep down into the building’s bowels
I knew we’d been swindled.
As tour progressed through gallery
of beautiful asses and large breasts
with interactive display
a soft mewl crept into awareness.
Before I could discover its source
we were whisked away
to view the prison full of Mexicans,
then film of disabled with full laugh track
I wanted to cry
masked people shooting up disinfectant,
forest rangers raking leaves
I wanted to cackle
golden throne atop a hill of green land,
orange statue straddling a canal
I wanted to scream
then that sound again, a whimpering,
young boy crying 
chained to the wall
just beyond his reach a door and sign:
Now leaving Trump’s brain.
Sorry, Donny. I have to save myself.
I ran for the exit.

Kenneth Arthur is a queer minister with a background in computer science and who dabbles in poetry. Several of his poems have been published in journals including The New Verse News, The Skinny Poetry Journal, and Pensive. He is also the author of Out of the Ashes: Constructive Theology for Those Burned Out on Christianity and blogs at