Thursday, February 20, 2025


by Shawn Reagan

Demonstrators hold a rally and march to protest a recent increase of activity in the area by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents on February 01, 2025 in Waukegan, Illinois. Scott Olson/Getty Images via ABC News.

I don't know why Lorenzo      didn't come to school today. 

Just as he didn't       present his project yesterday.

So much unknown      so easy to lose track of days. 

So, I hold to what I know.       I remain resolute. 

I know when gesture      is really Nazi salute.

I know the smell      of new school fascista.

I know it's winter      and there's ICE on the streets. 


I know Lorenzo      didn't come to school today. 

Authors noteI am a teacher with many immigrant students. After Trump’s inauguration, ICE vehicles and agents began appearing on our city streets. Many of my Hispanic students had to stay home from school at this time. They were often the only members of their family who could speak English in case of a knock at the door. While the students have now returned, the fear remains.

Shawn Reagan is a poet, teacher, and husband from Minnesota. A sleeping giant of the poetic world, his work is currently focused on life with bipolar 2 and depression. He was shortlisted for the 2024 Tadpole Press Poetry Prize.