Saturday, March 01, 2025


by Bonnie Naradzay

Some people say
that, having stopped 
reading the news, they 
feel better.
The old Chinese poets
remind me to include
today’s weather report
in each poem.
Dr Issam Abu Ajwa said
he was forced to sleep
on a floor covered with small, 
sharp rockshands and legs tied,
eyes blindfolded.
The weather is warm this week—
in fact, the cherry blossoms
here are projected to peak
somewhat earlier this spring.
Dr Mohammed Abu Selmia
was tortured for seven months 
then released without charge. 
“I was clubbed, beaten with rifle butts, 
attacked by dogs. I was beaten so badly 
I couldn’t use my legs or walk, he said.
Dr Ahmad Mhanna, director
of al-Awda hospital in north Gaza, 
has been in Israeli prisons 
more than a year without charge.
Nightfall here, and the evening
becomes a still life—
it glistens like a Chinese lantern
in a garden without strife.
Some people try to memorize
a meaningful poem one line
at a time as a way to neutralize 
the news.  In severe winter cold
seven children froze to death
in Gaza in the last 48 hours
but today’s weather elsewhere
is quite pleasant overall.

Bonnie Naradzay’s manuscript will be published this year by Slant Books.  For years, she has led weekly poetry sessions at homeless shelters and a retirement community.  Poems, three of which have been nominated for Pushcarts, have appeared in AGNI, New Letters, RHINO, Tampa Review, EPOCH, Dappled Things, and other places. While at Harvard she was in Robert Lowell’s class on “The King James Bible as English Literature.” In 2010 she was awarded the University of New Orleans Poetry Prize – a month’s stay in Northern Italy – in the South Tyrol castle of Ezra Pound’s daughter Mary.  There, Bonnie had tea with Mary, hiked the Dolomites, and read drafts of Pound’s translations.