Wednesday, August 09, 2023


by Jake Murel

Maine Lobster Festival, August 2-6, 2023

Click, clack, clock, go calling claws

Of arthropods in steel-cage cells,

Clambering en masse to escape the maw

Boiling broth, bubbling hell.


Snap, snip, clip, cameras click,

Twice-captured crustaceans, cowering each

Jostled and jumping, tossing kicks

Against suffering steam in seething screech.


Crack, crick, creek, shells break

With silent shrieks in summer sun

As tourists taste torture that makes

Lobster death-camp fun.

Jake Murel is a private individual and, as such, does not enjoy biographical statements. His own poetry has appeared in The Journal of Formal Poetry, The Lyric, and many other venues.