
Submission Guidelines: Send 1-3 unpublished poems in the body of an email (NO ATTACHMENTS) to nvneditor[at] No simultaneous submissions. Use "Verse News Submission" as the subject line. Send a brief bio. No payment. Authors retain all rights after 1st-time appearance here. Scroll down the right sidebar for the fine print.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


by Fred Longworth

When the President said,
"Support our tropes,"

America’s dumbest poets
grabbed red wheelbarrows

& began pushing, certain
that in the pans, beneath

a ragged layer of sand, lay
good Christian democracy.

Klutzy me! My wheel
barrow tipped on its side:

Under a thin crust of bullshit,
a heavy body bag.

Fred Longworth restores vintage audio components for a living. His poetry has been published in California Quarterly, Stirring, The Pacific Review, Pearl, and many others.