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Thursday, September 25, 2008


by Bill Costley

very slightly adapted from Coriolanus Act III, sc.II, ll. 52ff

Why force you this?

Palinia, his running-mate:
Because that now it lies on you to speak
To th' people; not by your own instruction,
Nor by the matter which your heart prompts,,
But with such words that are but roted (sic) in
Your tongue, though but bastards & syllables
of no allowance to your campaign's untruths.
Now, this no more disses/honours you at all
Than to take in the media with gentle words,
Which else would put you to your fortune &
The hazard of needed bundled contributions.
I would dissemble with my nature, whence
My fortunes & my friends' at stake requir'd &
I should do so in full honour. I am in this like
your wife, your son, these senators, the nobles;
& you will better show mainstream-media louts
How you can frown & spend a fawn upon'em
For the inheritance of their loves to safeguard
What they will surely run at 8&10pm tonite.'

Media-Men: Noble lady! Come with us, speak fair.
You may salve so, not what is dangerous at present,
but bemoans the loss of what was best in TV-past.

Bill Costley serves on the Steering Committee of the San Francisco Bay area chapter of the National Writers' Union.
