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Wednesday, January 14, 2009


by Mary Saracino

Bands of bloodied brothers wage war,
circles of sorrowful sisters sing
of senseless feuds, ancient grudges.
Greedy fingers grab for land, water, food, power.
No cease-fire, no peace,
too many dead-end promises
pollute the death-drenched air.
Bombs explode, freedom implodes,
terror seizes every soul.
Israeli, Palestinian grief shrouds
lifeless bodies, lost dreams, shattered futures.
The children of God are the children of Gaza
who wail, shiver in fear, seek solace, safety, shelter.
In whose godly arms do they find refuge?
In what godly chambers of the human heart
can their hopes hope to reside?

Mary Saracino is a novelist, poet and memoir-writer who lives in Denver , CO . Her most recent novel, The Singing of Swans (Pearlsong Press 2006) was a 2007 Lambda Literary Awards Finalist. Her short story, "Vicky's Secret" earned the 2007 Glass Woman Prize.