by Jon Wesick
Wire-rimmed glasses brilliantine hair
map on an S-shaped country
Strange whiz kid
taming the yellow-eyed wolf of war
with punch cards and slide rules
Bomb pattern analysis statistics of enemy dead
game theory think tanks Mutual Assured Destruction
Numbers don’t lie
Victory’s just around the corner
But the wolf slipped the chains of cool reason
for a sweaty jungle
Behind yellow eyes the enemy measures
calculates with alien mathematics
jagged steel napalm smell
morphine MEDEVAC 58,000 dead
Numbers don’t lie
In an air conditioned office
tired eyes behind wire-rimmed glasses
checking and rechecking equations
for an algebraic error a dropped minus sign
Unable to turn away
Not resting until he finds the reason
Still staring at that S-shaped country
Jon Wesick has a Ph.D. in physics, has practiced Buddhism for over twenty years, and has published over a hundred poems in small press journals such as American Tanka, Anthology Magazine, The Blind Man’s Rainbow, Edgz, The Kaleidoscope Review, Limestone Circle, The Magee Park Anthology, The Publication, Pudding, Sacred Journey, San Diego Writer’s Monthly, Slipstream, Tidepools, Vortex of the Macabre, Zillah, and others. His chapbooks have won honorable mentions twice in the San Diego Book Awards.