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Tuesday, February 16, 2010


by Jean Thurston Liebert

"Now you see it. Now you don’t."
     Magic on the Old Water-Front.
Eighty years ago, Boardwalk Way
     Was not unlike politics today.
First we watched John McCain
     Then came clouds and signs of rain.
We dashed home to get the hay in,
     But when we returned, there was Palin.
Where did she originate?
     Did someone forget to close the gate?
John, himself, was not too sure,
     But he welcomed her allure.
Confused, too, as the bells pealed,
     We weren’t sure how we should feel
When all those kiddies were trundled out.
     Was that something to cheer about?
Then, at last, the atmosphere
     Seemed to be much more clear.
McCain went down in defeat.
     Palin , to Alaska, made her retreat.
Today Palin is in high gear.
     She thinks her future is finally here.
Busy with tea-parties and a mop,
     Biting and scratching her way to the top!
It’s still the old shell-game.
     Palin intends to use her fame!
Let’s go down to the water-front.
     "Now you see her. Now you don’t."

Jean Thurston Liebert became a Democrat when she discovered she could attend the University of California for five years but couldn’t earn a living wage without organizing to deal with CEO’s. She believes all one needs in America is a job with a living wage. At 91, everything she writes is colored by this philosophy. Her favorites in High Places are Barack Obama and Al Sharpton.