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Friday, November 19, 2010


by David S. Pointer

Americans bumped from all upward mobility
flights for the foreseeable retro future ram

Americans left behind like Abe Lincoln’s
first, second and third string law partners

unformed fraud squads watch over us? No!
unformed fraud squads watch our vaults

open and agape and ajar and airy and
reopened to restock and reopen to deplete

unformed fraud squads eventually strangle
big bankerism with their own spermatic cords

micro flogging permits escalate exponentially
macro fleecing financial crimes curb themselves

plasma bags and bone bending pliers refuse to
condone anymore intergenerational indifference

David S. Pointer lives in Murfreesboro, TN. Recent publications include "The Baseball Chronicle," "The American Dissident," and "J Journal: New Writings on Justice." David is a sociologist and has a recent surgical technology diploma.