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Thursday, November 10, 2011


Poem by Charles Frederickson; Photo by Saknarin Chinayote 

Venice-of-the-East westernized
Once upon canals paved over
Superhighways displacing bucolic “klong” waterways
Master Plan blueprint left undrawn

Sunken hope bleak future forecast
Naked stray dog turds afloat
Stepmother Nature delivering knockout punch
Kick boxer split decision countdown

Elderly disabled toddlers first evacuees
Un-neighborly family feuds set aside
Thais helping each other devotedly
Humanimal kindness rising to surface

Grinning golden Buddha luster tarnished
Maintaining upturned stiff lower lip
Incensed offerings up in smoke
Barefoot lotus position tucked under

Ageless volunteers providing grief relief
Soldiers recruited to shoulder burdens
Uplifting downtrodden spirits disheartened souls
Prideful resilience smiling through adversity

Massive cleanup private property condemned
Stilted thatch roof promises cave-in
Eternal survivors jump-starting engines anew
Motorcycles spinning wheels of Fate

Dr. Charles Frederickson and Mr. Saknarin Chinayote proudly present 3 YouTube mini-movies depicting Glad Thaidings at and at and at .