by David S. Pointer
interferes with
the absence
of insightful dialogue
transmitted to people
interferes with
the preference
for high level privacy
during economic piracy
interferes with
the low pay repositories
the free people usability continuum
the lifecycle curiosity extraction
interferes with
the data purge
of financial, medical
and chemical information
interferes with
the myth, beauty, trivia
poetry professors pretending
they are above the fray
interferes with
the myth of the great man
the domestic assassination
the international assassination
interferes with
the diversionary entertainment
the familial and world peace
the quiet green horizons to come
David S. Pointer lives and writes from Murfreesboro, TN. He has recent acceptances at Rattle, Static Movement, and The Spirit of Poe anthology at Literary Landmark Press. All proceeds from the Poe anthology will go to benefit the Edgar Allan Poe Museum in Baltimore, MD that lost $80,000 in government funding.