by Tricia Knoll
I remember when it was Man
of the Year until a new century
when the clocks did not stop,
the world did not end,
and women raised our fists again

Protecting truth by saying it
as free journalists may know it,
yelling it when there is little
popularity in announcing that beings
on earth as we know it and people
may end in the changes coming.
Flocks respond to familiar shepherds

with the nips of dogs or the
rewards of greener pastures.
Who guides us, guards us,
helps us make the wide turns
needed to save the planet?
So great is our need
for guardians.

Tricia Knoll applauds all guardians of the planet, including journalists, who speak the truth on climate change and tie the new normal of vortexes, extinction, flooding, storms, wildfires, starvation, disease, tornadoes and more to the creep of climate crisis around the globe.