by Robin Wright
Draw lines that represent countries.
Go further, pen buildings
whole and firm, houses
with sunflowers, children’s toys
in the yard, bicycle leaning
against a tree, a bench in front
of a library. Populate with people
eating ice cream, strolling the streets.
Hold the map close.
Soldiers tear it away,
draw guns, tanks,
bodies on the ground
carpeted with blood,
crushed buildings,
landmines meant to erase.
Snatch it back,
ink blue sky, yellow sun
above people, buildings,
a child’s future.
Robin Wright lives in Southern Indiana. Her work has appeared in Bombfire Lit, One Art, Young Ravens Literary Review, Olney Magazine, As it Ought to Be, Rat’s Ass Review, Sledgehammer Lit, Muddy River Poetry Review, Sanctuary, and others. She is a Pushcart Prize nominee, and her first chapbook, Ready or Not, was published by Finishing Line Press in October of 2020.