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Thursday, May 26, 2022


by Robert Knox

The eyes of the others,
Hate mongering
Closed doors of the mind in self-panic
Race-pandering Congressional creeps
stalk the Halls of Hades
When? in God’s name?
A universal set of trigger-fingers
in circular execution
A lake of burning fire
Armed to the teeth = utterly unprotected
Gehenna on the dusty plain
Looking into the eyes
of the lost
No consolation in the knowing
Self-slaying America
Compelled to repeat the same self-torture
endlessly: forever
Infinite self-slaughter
An underworld of hate,
unholy perdition

Robert Knox is a poet, fiction writer, Boston Globe correspondent, and the author of the recently published collection of linked short stories, titled House Stories. As a contributing editor for the online poetry journal Verse-Virtual, his poems appear regularly on that site.