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Monday, June 24, 2024


by Daniel Romo

Drake & Kendrick Lamar’s Rocky Relationship Explained —Billboard, June 20, 2024

The origin of a hip-hop beef is seasoned 

with special sauce and 

Slauson’s finest hype men.


A feud rooted in accusations of

appropriation is a (rap) battle for the ages,

authenticity, and 

audience approval. 


Wop, wop, wop,

            wop, wop!


It becomes personal when a man’s 

motives, morals, and music 

are called into question

all in one.


Calling out and crip-walking all over

one’s (stage) name is no doubt

a slander to be handled 

because being hard 

protects a soft ego.


Hoodlife, my ass more like phony contrive /

Street cred, psh, boy you rep Rodeo Drive.


It’s a fickle world, this rap game—

where artists go from 

collaborators to haters,    


   from OG to enemy,


      from riding

           to dying.

Daniel Romo's latest book is Bum Knees and Grieving Sunsets (FlowerSong Press 2023).