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Friday, December 23, 2005


by Ed Webb

Thursday December 22, 02:13 PM
NICE, France (Reuters) - An extreme-right French group has found a way to distribute Christmas cheer only to a chosen few by offering homeless people free hot soup containing pork, which observant Jews and Muslims do not eat.

Oh, land of my fathers!
Whence this brown tide?
Did Charles Martel turn back their ancestors in vain?
See them flowing up from the ports
Spreading like rats, like plague.

We will meet them,
We too will be a brown tide
Bring out grandfather's shirt from the attic,
Recall the days before this debased Republic which begs for its own rape,
Drink only Vichy water.
We must be our own leaders now:
Even the Holy Church does not dare to defend our sacred patrie –
Offers vegetable soup.
Ours will be a patriotic soup,
And even this Arab-loving Republic cannot make our soup illegal.
'Tis the Season of Good Will to our own;
Let the others eat cake.

Ed Webb is angry.