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Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Poem by Charles Frederickson; Graphic by Saknarin Chinayote

Walking the denial-floss thin line
Between anything but the tooth
And abscessed cavity unconvincing justifications
Frayed hangman’s noose tightening slipknot

Washington, DK whitening stained warwar tartar
Drill grinding to clenched halt
Dark McChrystal doomcast drooling saliva
Erosion slipping into cankered abyss

What the halitosis bad breath
Bleeding gums suffering uprooted canal
Trench mouth gingivitis scraping plaque
Periodontis prescribing sinking quicksand extraction

No Holds Bard Dr. Charles Frederickson & Saknarin Chinayote together comprise PoeArtry. Flutter Press has just published Charles’ new chapbook fanTHAIsies.