
Submission Guidelines: Send 1-3 unpublished poems in the body of an email (NO ATTACHMENTS) to nvneditor[at] No simultaneous submissions. Use "Verse News Submission" as the subject line. Send a brief bio. No payment. Authors retain all rights after 1st-time appearance here. Scroll down the right sidebar for the fine print.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


by Ngoma

the latest buzz is
u can call it a crucifixion if u want to
but real talk says it was a straight up lynching
it's up for grabs
whether or not it's fiction
but judas was the snitch
we still be trying to figure out
what was good about good friday
moon of blood in the sky
ocean beds black with oil
gaia in need of triage
vomiting tsunami
the stench of retribution
karmic debt
the yin and yang of it
out of balance
with itself
from nuclear disaster
we seek someone to twitter
to find the answer
for survival on the planet
why the bees are disappearing
pointing fingers
passing blame
naming names
for fifteen minutes of fame
like it's a game
looking down the rabbit hole
as they level mountaintops
for coal
acting as if there's no need for water
defying nature's order
proselytizing 10 Commandments
ignoring Thou Shalt Not Kill
trying to comprehend
life's cycles
Badu singing
"where's my 42 Laws"

Ngoma is a performance poet, multi-instrumentalist, singer/songwriter and paradigm shifter, who for over 40 years has used culture as a tool to raise sociopolitical and spiritual consciousness through work that encourages critical thought.Poetry  published in African Voices Magazine, Long Shot Anthology, The Underwood Review, Signifyin' Harlem Review and 'bum Rush The Page/Def Poetry Jam Anthology& Poems On The Road To Peace and Let Loose On the World: Celebrating Amiri Baraka at 75. He was featured in the PBS Spoken Word Documentary, "The Apro-Poets" with Allen Ginsberg. Ngoma has hosted the slam at the Dr. Martin Luther King Festival of Social and Environmental Justice at Yale University for the past 14 years.  His latest C.D. State of Emergency: The Essential Ngoma is a 2 Disc "best of" compilation available on and iTunes.