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Friday, April 22, 2011


by Mary Saracino

Author’s note: As part of her Earth Day-Sing for the Trees campaign, Susan Hale invites people from around the world to sing to their special trees to help raise awareness about deforestation.

If you listen you can hear
the trees singing

boababs & kauri
sugi & sugar maples

their voices
rise in harmony

Norway spruce & sequoia
ginkos & elms

across the wide round world

yews & oolines
Persian mulberries & pomegranates

one steady stream

magnolia amazonica & aspen
wattle trees & oaks

one impassioned aria

crab apple & peach
olive & fig

singing, singing, singing

almond & apricot
wild cashew & carapa

to us

black walnut & cedrela odorata
mahogany & beni kawa

of peace & love
joy & justice

Divi-divi & wabito
amla & okagami

of sorrow & solace
laughter & lullabies

Chinese catalpa
Buddha coconuts

reminding us to

balsam & fur
cedar & chestnut

sing with them

pawpaw & persimmon
leatherwood & larch

breathe in
breathe out

kapok & karri
willows & birch


ghost gum & guava
maiden’s blush & mangosteen


avacado & acacia
banana & buckeye

save our lives

sumac & satsuma
sassafras & silverberry

save our planet.

Mary Saracino is a novelist, poet and memoir-writer who lives in Lafayette, CO . Her most recent novel, The Singing of Swans (Pearlsong Press 2006) was a 2007 Lambda Literary Awards Finalist. Her short story, "Vicky's Secret" earned the 2007 Glass Woman Prize.