by Charles Frederickson
USAge of rAGE September 11th
GMT ocean apart November 9th
Bloodied souls hearts of darkness
Infected scar wounds never heal
Unforgettable demonic horrors ghostly afterimAGEs
Haunted nightmares still under siege
Chaos confusion consternation almost coming
To terms with unsaid goodbyes
Unsung heroes turn next pAGE
Keeping on fighting valiantly never
Giving up or giving in
That’s what makes them heroes
Incredible boundless voyAGE lone survivor
Stranded indifferent drowning pool wake
Awakened fathomable dreams in-limbo RIP
Perfect stillness breathless last gasps
If only this was mirAGE
Never knowing anything but sand
Sunshiny glare parched thirst unquenched
Deserted foolish delusions of oases
EncourAGEment lovingly learned by hearts
Cherishing mutually shared family moments
Never stopped being each other
Unanswered prayers one less “Amen”
Revitalized existence bitterness resilient resolve
Intent on rewriting happier ending
Being moved eventually moving on
Treasured forever friends invaluable support
No Holds Bard Dr. Charles Frederickson proudly presents YouTube mini-movies @ YouTube – CharlesThai1 .