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Sunday, November 15, 2020


by Howie Good


Thousands of President Trump’s supporters converged on Washington, D.C., on Nov. 14 to falsely claim he won the election. (Video: Jorge Ribas, Joyce Koh/Photo: Toni L. Sandys/The Washington Post)

The emperor’s model army marches on,
bringing with them the suffocating smell of smoke,
a darkness like mud, while tens of millions
of just plain folks artlessly demonstrate their devotion
by cheering threats of kidnapping and murder
and parading bright new flags that with each wave
in the lie-filled air grow duller and more tattered,  
and when the light dwindles to a final few hours,
there will be tweet storms and wild speeches
and the military music of boots stamping on faces.

Howie Good is the author of The Death Row Shuffle, forthcoming from Finishing Line Press.