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Tuesday, October 17, 2023


by David Radavich

Russia-Ukraine war at a glance: what we know on day 601 of the invasion: Russia testing defences around Kupiansk-Lyman as its Avdiivka offensive wanes, says Ukraine; Moscow admits reliance on China for drones —The Guardian, October 17, 2023

You used to be
on our front pages.


Now there are
other wars,
other headlines.


Almost a footnote
of human suffering.


The bombed-out
churches and schools,
houses and hospitals,
are still rubble,


the dead are
still barely buried.


We can only stand
so much news:
we have our own issues.


Forgive us our 
short attention span,
our time-worn


We meant well

David Radavich has published a variety of poetry, drama, and essays.  His latest book is Unter der Sonne / Under the Sun: German and English Poems (Deutscher Lyrik Verlag, 2021).