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Friday, July 05, 2024


by Steven Kent

Martin Rowson’s cartoon on the differing fortunes of Donald Trump and Rishi Sunak —The Guardian, July 3, 2024

"Rishi Sunak resigns as Tory leader as well as PM after election defeat" —The Guardian, 5 July 2024

A leader says, "The vote was clear;
It's time for me to disappear.
To my successor, luck and cheer."
Remember when we had that here?

Steven Kent is the poetic alter ego of writer and musician Kent BurnsideHis work appears in 251, Asses of Parnassus, Light, Lighten Up Online, The New Verse News, Philosophy Now, Pulsebeat Poetry Journal, The Road Not Taken: A Journal of Formal Poetry, and SnakeskinHis collection I Tried (And Other Poems, Too) was published in 2023 by Kelsay Books.