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Tuesday, February 06, 2024


by Shannon Anthony

Sounds like your party has a civil war
or self-implosion theme. Unfriendly fire:
Your taco bar comes with razor wire.

So now briefly, you are chiefly
claiming that your camp is
against the heartland champs
because the one point of Barbie, that doll,
is to be here to cheer, not cheered at all.
And because she once spoke
and you're proudly unwoke
you're rooting for the 49ers
to kiss the ring where the sun don't shine
forgetting every bad thing you ever said
about the city that gave you Nancy.
Cognitive dissonance and decline: Go red!
Knock yourself out with your bash (nothing fancy).

I think you'd agree I've got that right.
(I'm not male, but not pregnant, and I'm white.)
If you come to (such as they are) your senses
you'll see that concussions have consequences.
You're not immune, and this isn't a kingdom.
What happens in Vegas is just a symptom,
another test we'll hear he aced. Remember
the Big Game: That happens in November.

Shannon Anthony lives in Minneapolis.