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Tuesday, January 02, 2007


by Robert M. Chute

Damn! Did you you see that raw video
on CNN? They can't even hang
a man right. I want to know who snuck
that camera phone past our guards.
Find him. Hang him by his "you know whats" —
and the guards too! And there was that
damn Saddam standing there bold as brass.
They should have forced him to wear
the hood. Standing there, answering
their jeers, not showing his fear, as calm
and straight faced as if his ass were
really bound for their Paradise and not
our Hell. Bold as brass — I wonder if I...

Don't go there, Boss!, Karl Rove said.
Let's just hope Ford's funeral will
squeeze this off the news tomorrow.

Robert M. Chute’s new book from JustWrite Books, Reading Nature, poetry based on scientific articles, is available from Amazon or Barnes and Noble.